18(プレビュー)、19 – 21 MARCH 2021
セクション : ギャラリーズ ブース G088
TAKU SOMETANI GALLERYは、3月18日より開催されるArt Fair Tokyo2021に出展致します。
やましたあつこ/Atsuko Yamashita

やましたあつこ – 1993年生まれ、東京を拠点に活動
1993年愛知県出身、現在は東京を拠点に活動。2018年に東京藝術大学美術学部絵画科油画専攻卒業。主な個展に「Utopia」(TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY, 東京, 2020)「HER」(TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY, 東京, 2019)、「君の名前で僕を呼んで」(群馬県立近代美術館, 群馬, 2019)等、受賞歴にシェル美術賞2018 藪前智子審査員賞、第4回CAF賞入選等。作品は愛知県美術館にパブリックコレクションとして収蔵されています。
Atsuko Yamashita – Born in 1993, based in Tokyo
“I want to draw happiness without hindrance,” says Atsuko Yamashita. Since the beginning of her career, she has consistently depicted her own endogenous stories with soft, drawing-like brushstrokes, exploring the complex movement of emotions that we face in our lives.
Yamashita’s works portray a sweet world, but meanwhile, which are abundantly covered with a base layer that gives them a strong weight, as if they were minerals.This is because she believes that a painting is not just a two-dimensional image, but a “flat object”. At the same time, it is a way for her to talk to the eyes, skin, and five senses of the viewer by incorporating her physical sensations such as emotions and awareness that she has gained in her daily life in her paintings.
As an attitude, Atsuko Yamashita chooses to be the narrator of her own fantasies. She does not see her artwork as a political tool, “art for art’s sake,” or as a means to enlighten others, but simply as something that someone draws and someone else receives. She is dedicated to telling the story of “happiness without hindrance”
Yamashita’s paintings are motivated by a very personal question, “Is there happiness without hindrance?” This is why, in our age of accelerated quantification and homogenization, they have the rich power to remind us once again of our humanity and its beauty.
Born 1993 in Aichi, Japan, currently based in Tokyo, graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Painting, majoring in oil painting in 2018. Her major solo exhibitions include “Utopia” (TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY, Tokyo, 2020), “HER” (TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY, Tokyo, 2019), “Call me by your name” (The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma, 2019). Her works are in the public collection of Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art.
多田恋一朗/Koiichiro Tada

多田恋一朗 – 1992年生まれ、東京を拠点に活動
Taku Sometani Galleryでは多田恋一朗のシリーズ「君について」を紹介します。
1992年生まれ。2016年/東京藝術大学 美術学部 絵画科 油画専攻 卒業、2018年/東京藝術大学 大学院 美術研究科 絵画専攻(技法材料研究室)修了
主な展示に、「恋、焦がれ、パルマコン」(六本木ヒルズ A/Dギャラリー、東京、2020)、「堂々巡りの夜のワルツ」(Bambinart Gallery、東京、2019)「ハロー」ハロー (TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY, 東京, 2020)、「ワールドラリー」(TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY、東京、2018)
グループ展では、「NEW EMOTION」(六本木ヒルズ A/Dギャラリー、東京、2019)、「生きられた庭」(京都府立植物園、京都、2019)等の展示に参加。
Koichiro Tada – Born in 1992, based in Tokyo
Taku Sometani Gallery is pleased to present a series of works by Tada: “About You.” Tada focuses on the gap between the existence of others and their image, as it is perceived by the painter. In the age of social media, we rely on the information we receive from faceless communication and form the personality of the other person in ourselves. The image, of course, does not fully describe the person – but to us, it feels realistic. “About You” is a series of works in which the face of a person without any expression is painted broadly on the canvas. Tada has been painting this person regularly since he was nineteen years old. The person resembles a girl, but there is no apparent model. His memories and experiences have matured, and an abstract image of “your” face is extracted onto the canvas. The series symbolizes Tada’s career as an artist, but the way he paints the face is always different. Sometimes he starts painting from the contour, and sometimes from the eyes – often, he experiments with the process of layering the paints. The “you” in the artist’s mind varies from time to time, and he paints it through trial and error to encounter the imaginary figure on the physical canvas.
Born in 1992. 2016 / Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Oil Painting, 2018 / Completed Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Painting (Technical Materials Laboratory)
Major exhibits include “Love, Impatience, Palmacon” (Roppongi Hills A / D Gallery, Tokyo, 2020), “Hello” Hello (TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY, Tokyo, 2020), and “World Rally” (TAKU SOMETANI GALLERY, Tokyo, 2018)
Participated in many group exhibitions such as “NEW EMOTION” (Roppongi Hills A / D Gallery, Tokyo, 2019) and “Le jardin convivial” (Kyoto Botanical Gardens, Kyoto, 2019).