
〒103-0002 東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町2-4-1 Bakurocactus 4F
2019年 城愛音
2017 京都市立芸術大学大学美術学部美術科 油画専攻 卒業
2019 京都市立芸術大学大学院美術研究科(修士課程)絵画専攻油画 修了
2016 国際瀧富士美術賞「優秀賞」
2017 2016 年度京都市立芸術大学作品展「同窓会賞」
2017 第32回ホルベイン・スカラシップ奨学生
2017 京都銀行美術研究生支援制度 奨学生
2019 アートフェア東京スペシャルセクションズ Future Artists Tokyo 出展
Twitter/@iue_joe Instagram/aiue_joe Face book/城愛音
・Artist Statement
It attracts me their gesture when they relax and show the expression allowed only to familiar people for an instant. This is a reason I describe them.
What does it mean to portray people close to me?
To portray is always like a diary which records ‘’now’’ and writers. I pick up moments from a usual day of an individual and put my indescribable feeling to various colors and touches. Then, I record ‘’that day’’.
・ The author’s bio
2017 Graduated from Kyoto City University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Fine Arts, Oil Painting Major
2019 Kyoto City University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts (Master’s Program) Painting Major Oil Painting Completion
2016 International Akebono Fuji Art Award “Excellent Award”
2017 Kyoto City University of the Arts Exhibition “Alumni Award”
2017 32nd Holbein Scholarship Scholar
2017 Kyoto Bank Art Research Student Support System Scholars
2019 Art Fair Tokyo Special Sections Exhibited at Future Artists Tokyo